Federal Registers
- 1928.21 - 08/30/2024 - 89:70698-71073 - Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings; Proposed Rule - PDF
- 1928.21 - 04/13/2022 - 87:21926-21928 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
- 1928.21 - 11/05/2021 - 86:61402-61555 - COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination; Interim Final Rules - PDF
- 1928.21 - 07/21/2020 - 85:44108-44110 - The Hazard Communication Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1928.21 - 01/12/2018 - 83:1629-1630 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
- 1928.21 - 06/26/2015 - 80:36856-36857 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Hazard Communication Standard - PDF
- 1928.21 - 04/27/2015 - 80:23300-23301 - Hazard Communication Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1928.21 - 10/30/2009 - 74:56216 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
- 1928.21 - 08/31/2009 - 74:44876-44878 - Hazard Communication Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1928.21 - 03/06/2006 - 71:11227-11228 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
- 1928.21 - 09/01/2005 - 70:52134-52135 - Hazard Communication Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1928.21 - 03/18/2002 - 67:12050-12051 - Hazard Communication Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information-Collection (Paperwork) Requirements. - PDF
- 1928.21 - 07/07/2000 - 65:42035-42036 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of OMB Approval. - PDF
- 1928.21 - 01/12/2000 - 65:1915-1916 - Nevada State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1928.21 - 07/23/1997 - 62:39551-39553 - New Mexico State Standards; Notice of Approval - PDF
- 1928.21 - 07/19/1994 - 59:36695-36700 - Retention of DOT Markings, Placards, and Labels
- 1928.21 - 09/10/1993 - 58:47690-47692 - Retention of Markings and Placards.
- 1928.21 - 07/29/1977 - 42:38568-9 - Agriculture
- 1928.21 - 07/22/1977 - 42:37674 - Diving
- 1928.21(a)(5) - 01/04/1999 - 64:184-186 - Washington State Standards; Notice of Approval. - PDF
- 1928.21(a)(8) - 11/05/2021 - 86:61402-61555 - COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination; Interim Final Rules - PDF
- 1928.21(a)(8)(i) - 11/05/2021 - 86:61402-61555 - COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination; Interim Final Rules - PDF
- 1928.21(a)(8)(ii) - 08/30/2024 - 89:70698-71073 - Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings; Proposed Rule - PDF
- 1928.21(a)(8)(ii) - 11/05/2021 - 86:61402-61555 - COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard; Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination; Interim Final Rules - PDF